About Me


Why did you join this class? I wanted to experience working with film and want to make cool videos.

What do you hope to gain from taking this class? A knowledge about making movies and having a dominant role in a film.

What do you know about cinematography? I know it takes time and that it is a process.

What do you want to know about cinematography? Every detail in the process of it.

What type of films would you like to make? I want to make a Burr and Burton basketball hype film and make overall fun movies with different people.

What are three of your favorite movies?-embed trailers or screen shots and explain why you enjoy these films. The Blind Side because it shows an interesting side of life, White Chicks because it is super funny, and Wedding Crashers because it never gets old.

What is your favorite movie genre?

Comedy because I love laughing.

What motivates you to work hard?

Basketball, Family. and College.

What are five concerns that you have now in your life?

The work I have to put into things, What I want to do when I'm older, People not knowing what I'm capable of, Becoming the person I am in my head.

What was your favorite subject in school?

History because I like learning about the past and hearing how things changed Why?

What are the three words that best describe you? Athletic, Kind, and Confident

Biggest Character turn-off for you? (ex. I hate when people are late) I hate when people are negative.